Thursday, March 22, 2007


There is a certain smell in the air when Spring begins. It is hard to describe but you know it when you smell it. Actually, there are 2 - Spring and Parade Day. Let me explain.

Parade Day : Mid March is the St. Patrick's day parade. More often than not, its cold. But - there is usually a warm up about that time. For some strange reason, there is a certain clean smell to it.

Spring: Clean, warmer air with a hint of moisture like its going to rain. And it has to be at least 60 degrees. It did that this morning. There is a cold front coming in and its supposed to rain (thunder storm oh yeah!). I let Erin wear her spring coat and no tights. Just socks with her dress. I immediately opened my window in the office. 6 floors up you get wind.

I can see the clouds moving in and its sort of hopeful. The spring rain will wash away the last of the brown/black snow and get rid of the salt that remains. There is one little patch of snow on the roof just outside my window. It reminds me of a scared creature holding on to its last vestiges of life.

This is going to be one of those days where I won't work - just stare out the window and think about cleaning my house. Cycle out the winter clothes, throw out the ones that are dead, make a goodwill bag and air out the house.

Not so much a hooky day but a 'don't want to think' kind of day.

Boy, I am gonna miss this view.

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