Thursday, January 08, 2015

Toss on a hat will ya!

Its really cold this morning.

There are schools in the NORTHERN part of the region that opted to close.  Good for them.

So as I was doing the daily "What's going on in the world" on Facebook, the local news feed posted about school closing and some parents were complaining that Buffalo was the ONLY one not closed.
These parents need to go back to school for some Geography lessons.  Only 1 county decided to close since they didn't use up all their snow days in November and we did.    All the other school districts have school.  Yes, it's cold out there.  Yes, it sucks.  But for the love of Pete, dress your kids appropriately !!
PUT ON A HAT WILL YA!  How about some boots and gloves.  We do not need a snow day for temps like this.  If were closer to 0 then maybe.  Negative numbers.. hell yeah.  And they only give us closings or delays for the cold only (no snow, just cold) because the Buses can't run.  Diesel fuel has a harder time going in the bitter bitter cold.  Delays will allow the outside temp to come up just enough for the buses to go.     But we don't need a day off for this.

Being where we are located I giggle when my friends in VA get an inch or 2 of snow. I giggle because it is only 2 inches and that is nothing here.  Everything shuts down, schools close... But I also giggle because I have been down in VA when that hits and it  is utter chaos.  They are not equipped to handle snow.  They don't get it more than maybe 1 or 2 times in a season...  while we may be under it from November to March. A little Salt/Sand... a few plows if any and there is no Defensive Winter Driving skill.

Stay warm folks.  Bundle up and keep your feet dry.

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