Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Home in One Piece

We made it home from War in one piece. Just a few minor injuries but nothing big (blisters, sore muscles from walking and sunburn).

War was fantastic! we managed to see 1 battle - the heavy weapons Town battle. And to make it better, I got to see Sam on the field...

So - some things to note from Pennsic XXXV
1) Goat Milk Fudge
2) Hawk Muffins
3) Willam Shattner followed by Marilyn Manson
4) I can't drive 55 (or under 75 come to think of it)
5) Wine = making friends
6) a gallon of Rum.. need i say more
7) Zigging when I should have zagged twice
8) 'blood' water
9) middle eastern is HOT!
10) uphill sucks
11) I need new shoes
12) Yurt is a funny word to say
13) Henna should smell like fresh Hay....
14) MORWENNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15) More Garb is good
16) need a carpet for the tent
17) More Garb.....


Anonymous said...

Jaime and I bought goat milk fudge from a kid in Allegheny once when we were camping. It was kinda weird tasting.

Melissa Hannon said...

We found it in Silvercreek - and it can stay there! Its just funny to say

Anonymous said...

Love your List! Had to see it-