Tuesday, June 07, 2011

God only gives you what you can handle

Its been a long long week.  So I apologize for the lack of updates and nifty photos.  First off, it was rehearsal week for the kiddo's dance performance.  They did Ease on Down the Road and she was Dorothy.    This consisted of a full costume/makeup rehearsal in studio on Wednesday, Tech rehearsal on Thursday and full show rehearsal on Friday.  The show was Saturday - we were there from 3pm till 10:30 or so. Yes.. it was a long show...  We had some technical issues which caused a delay but oh well.

Here's my girl in full costume with the Scarecrow and Lion.. and "Toto"..  well SoCo... The TinGirl was off getting oiled :)

She had a real dog to call out at the end of the show.

On top of the wonderful performance, she was awarded Most Dramatic.. so I foresee Musical Theatre classes for next year.

To make it even better.. my niece was also in the show (her first!) and she kicked butt despite running into the scenery due to lack of vision.  I am so proud of my girls for a great year.

On a sad note we had a family loss this week.  Its going to be rough for those involved but things will get better.  This was looming over us this week as well.  The question was how to tell an 8 year old a baby has died before her due date?  She took it well as she was more concerned for the mother... who has 2 children at home.  It was amazing to hear her rationale.. she was sad yes, but not in the way I thought she'd be.  She understood why it happened and the medical side and clearly stated her reason for the emotion.  And that was it... nothing else was said.  Death and being 8 is funny business.

With that, we venture forward and hope that time heals the wounds for everyone.  At least a little.  This week we see if the kid needs glasses (I suspect so), soccer starts this week and I have to plan a meal for 30 people.  And I turn 36. Time marches on and I'm learning to take it in stride.  Now, if it will stop raining, I'll feel better for the weekend (is it too much to ask?).

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