Thursday, May 03, 2012

Is it time yet?

I know I have to wait a bit longer to get the garden going.. but I need to behave.  Made a stop at Home Depot today to pick up a plant for a teacher gift.  I know, I know.. Support the local grower.  I will.  But Home Depot was there and I had time while Erin was in Dance.

The herbs and some veggies are out on display.  Lemon Verbana smells soo good.  But what the hell do I use it with?  I want more Rosemary, Basil, Mint and Thyme.. stuff I use all the time.  A tomato plant for Tim and lettuce for Erin.  My strawberries need to be moved into a bigger pot and I'm thinking of blueberries so I can freeze them.  I'd like to plant some carrots in pots so they have room to grow.

And the flowers...  oh I really need to get into my garden. It needs to be weeded and expanded and fenced...  Oh! Maybe corn....  that would be interesting... Corn.

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