Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today is Thanksgiving.  For me, it is 2 days off from work which I am very thankful for.  It is not a HUGE deal for dinner - just a bigger turkey and more sides... and dessert.  Mom is cooking for which I am VERY thankful.

But today should be a day of giving thanks.. so her goes.

I am thankful for the following (in no particular order)
my Husband and child
my mom
my brother, his wife and my nephew
all of Tim's siblings, the spouses and all the kids.
Ribbon and Mr. Teeny Tiny Butt
that we have a roof over our heads
that we have food in our belly
that i have coffee
we are mostly healthy
we have jobs
we have friends who think of us as family
that my neighbor looks out for me
we have health care
we have freedoms some don't
and I am thankful for the men and women who fight for those freedom.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone...

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