Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

I'm a little early but that's ok. We'll be leaving shortly for a party and Erin is not going with us. Maggie (15) and Bernie (10) are spending the night watching Erin. A fun filled night of Anime. Yes. Anime. My 3 year old adores it so who am I to argue.

So they have thier munchies. They have beverage. They have movies. They have sleeping stuff. I get a few hours out.

Happy New Year all!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mommy Tip # 2

In sticking with the Dishwasher tabs for the coffee pot - it's time to expand on that thought. Caked on grease or goo in a brand new pan and you don't want to subject yourself to yet another sacrifical pan? Hot water and liquid dishwasher soap. Let it sit for a few and VIOLA! Clean pan. No need to scrub.

Thanks to my Mom for that one.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

3 year olds and mixers ... oh the fun

I had Erin help me this year with the baking. 4 batches of cookies and 21 coffee cakes. We tackled the cookies first.

You know that commerical where the kids are helping bake and the boys puts the flour in and turns on the mixer full speed? Flour everywhere? Its true. It happens.

Erin put the miser on HIGH and well, she and I were coated in flour. She was so upset but I assured her it was ok and we'll clean up.

The cookies turned out fine. As you can see, there is flour on the counter. A lot of flour. I am still sweeping up

This is my favorite picture of the day. She wanted to put the eggs in for me. Determined to crack them like me (one handed), she managed to get most of the egg in the bowl.

We had to dig some of them out but not much.

The look on her face is priceless.

"Eh - a little crunchy bit won't hurt"

Most Polite Kid

Erin is not afraid of Santa. In fact, she adores him. Here is Erin with Santa a few weeks back.

The AOH had a kid's party and low and behold, my kid knew exactly what to do. When her name was called, she marched right up to Santa and waited for HIM to pick her up. She smiled at the camera and thanked him for the gift. After, she even wanted to give him a candy.

For the family party on X-mas eve, "Santa" made an appearance. She sat and waited until he called her. She said thank you before unwrapping the gift and said it again AFTER she opened it.

Last night, she wanted to write Santa a thank you note because she loved her doll house so much. I love my daughter. She has manners when it really counts.

Christmas cold

Without fail, Tim and I have colds. The crappy kind where you feel like not moving and your head is going to fall off. Yesterday was our day off and well, being sick and having a legal day off blows. So today I'm going to whine a bit and then get over it.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The day after...

yet another Christmas done. Here's the results:

1) I ate way too much
2) I think I sprained my foot
3) Doll houses rock
4) No snow on Christmas is depressing
5) BRATZ suck
6) my foot still hurts

Over all it was ok - how could it not be with this kid:

Friday, December 22, 2006

It's only 2 more sleeps till Chirstmas...

And I feel like Scrooge today. I spent yesterday night making 22 Polish Coffee cakes. 15 small and 7 big ones. 3 1/2 hours with oven on and Erin making a mess on the floor. She had to help. I let her. And, I dropped one. But they are done and waiting to be wrapped for the family on Sunday.

I'm just in a Ba Humbug mood and don't really care at this point. I think I'm just done with everything. MOM QUITS!

Right now the only bright spot is that we ordered Pho (Vietnamese take out from Heaven). It's a treat for the office since the local joint closed and there is only 1 location 20 minutes away. So we plan this and someone hikes all the way out there. A plate of meat and 2 Vietnamese egg rolls should make me feel a bit better but I have to bake any more, I'm moving to Mars.

On a good note, the Coffee Cake went over well this morning and the guys liked it.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


I feel like Bob Cratchit...
So its 3 days before Chirstmas.. I am at work for 2 of those days. Ummmmmmm..... I'm here physically but not mentally. Sure, I'm working but man, it is hard. Not to mention the office is freezing and I'm broke.

Erin had a party at school today - cookies, cupcakes, candy... THE WORKS! I wanted so bad to say "do you need help? Homeroom Mom? As long as I get the baked goods, no one gets hurt" but I didn't. I left sad and wanting a cookie.

I had to pull teeth in the office to get them to decorate this year. I brought the tree in and it became a joke for a while. Come on. We spend 9 hours in the office. That is more time than I spend at home. I want lights, I want a party. I want a break! Bunch of Scrooges

I'm going to wear the Santa hat tomorrow. Who cares - i need a little jolly in my life right now. Things keep getting worse and I need something to keep me afloat.

So back to the grind for 4 more hours, go home, bake till I'm done and do it all over again tomorrow. Now if Santa would only bring me what I'm wishing for.....

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lunch time sanity

I need to STOP every so often and eat lunch and not work. Go figure.

So today I caught up on Manic Mommies and found a new blog Behind Amy's Lens.

Nice work Amy!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Must be Winter

We just got back from doctor's office. Erin has another ear infection. She's in good mood but was complaining about her ear (not to mention a runny nose, sneeze, cough). To be safe, I took her to see McGravey. Yep. Ear infection. 30 minutes later we have the Bubblegum medicine and watching Hollie Hobbie.

Working from home is fine unless you forget to eat. Like me. I need to get some lunch. Cookies for breakfast just don't cut it. But they were damn good cookies.

Mommy tip #1: Cleaning the coffee pot

I hate cleaning the coffee pot. It's a metal thermos one from Starbucks. I can get my hand it to sort of clean it but face it, I don't have time.

Thanks to the wisdom of Carolyn (Coffee Goddess) -- use HOT WATER and and Electosol Tab (any dishwasher tab). Wait about an hour and WHAM! A clean coffee pot.

NOTE: We've only tried this on the metal ones..

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tornado hits London? Where's the Doctor?

I saw report on CNN that London had a tornado

I was looking for the Doctor in the air shots that CNN posted.. where is the Blue Police box.... mmmmmmmmmm

Friday, December 01, 2006


This makes me laugh....

and this

blah blah blah

So yeah, I have a nothing to say.. well at least that I can remember. I always come up with the best things to comment about when I'm on the way to my car, on the drive in or home or when I don't have a computer.

Am I really all that boring?

Apparently so. In that case, I'm going to resort to a general boring update:

I learned how to crochet the Granny square. And, I even finished a small blanket for Erin. Christmas color scheme since its what I had. Not bad for a first try.

Thanksgiving was ok. No major issues and we did meet my brother's new girlfriend. I like her. She can stay.

And generally this is how I feel...

but the cats make me giggle...