Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Most Polite Kid

Erin is not afraid of Santa. In fact, she adores him. Here is Erin with Santa a few weeks back.

The AOH had a kid's party and low and behold, my kid knew exactly what to do. When her name was called, she marched right up to Santa and waited for HIM to pick her up. She smiled at the camera and thanked him for the gift. After, she even wanted to give him a candy.

For the family party on X-mas eve, "Santa" made an appearance. She sat and waited until he called her. She said thank you before unwrapping the gift and said it again AFTER she opened it.

Last night, she wanted to write Santa a thank you note because she loved her doll house so much. I love my daughter. She has manners when it really counts.

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