Monday, December 31, 2007

living through the holidays

I'm a slacker. I've had time to write but refused. It feels too much like work so a break was in order. Its now New Years Eve (see a trend, I don't write on the actual holiday). Due to some circumstances, I will be spending New Years at home with the girls (Er and Bernie). Ah well. I will be letting them goof off on the Wii and Webkinz while I work on some stuff. The line up...
  • scrolls for Ice Dragon
  • 2 fleece hats
Oh dear god, the fleece hats. I made one for Erin and that spawned to 8 more requests. They are so easy and cheap if you use the remnant fleece that I got for like $2 a yard if that. All it is a rectangle sewn up the sides and a blanket stitch for the brim. I'll post later on that as soon as I get off my lazy butt.

Now, if I can just convince hubby to get me crab legs for tonight (wink wink)

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