Tuesday, January 25, 2011


As Erin and I walked to the corner this morning to get the school bus, I noticed a flurry of snow tracks in our drive way.   Some poor little bunny was being chased my a cat.  Looks like the bunny escaped to our back yard and under the shed.  Stay there bunny.

The cat then walked back and down the sidewalk.  Now, in looking at the tracks, I saw not only Rabbit and Cat... but a new one.  Deer!  We live in the "city"... well the edge of it anyways.  Plus we live near rail road tracks and the nature preserve.  There are a ton of deer that live not more than a mile away.  One of the little girls Erin waits with said last week she saw deer in her back yard and at her grandmother's house - which is on the street behind us.

Possible?  I should thinks so.  We've been here 10 years and I have never seen one.  There is a first for everything!

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