Monday, December 31, 2007

Week in review

I had a few moments this evening to not be tackled by the 4 year old so I dumped the pictures on the camera... Finally!

Lets back track to Christmas eve. I made 20+ placzeks (a coffee cake). Yah Saran Wrap.

The day before Christmas eve it was 40 degrees and raining.

Me and Mom - We have Christmas Eve at her house every other year. She hates her picture being taken. Dinner is meatless (fish, pierogi, mac and cheese)

Tim got himself Guitar Heros 3 for the PC. I have lost him to the game (GHW - Guitar Hero Widow). Erin decided to be his groupie and took photos of him "rocking out"

And finally - while the girls were playing Webkinz tonight, I ate dinner and recycled the Christmas cards. I hate buying tags since they are always the same. The cards we had are so pretty, I hate throwing them out. I cut some and glued colored paper to the back and WHAM! Home made Christmas Gift tags.

I made like 25 of them and some are so stinking cute.
So now its 8:40 pm and I have had 3 bottles of Woodchuck, chips, dip and some cookies. A random movie is going in and I'm texting Lil. If I sit and do nothing, I will pass out. I am not a fan of New Year's eve unless I'm at a party with the Hubby (oh, the fond memories of Chez Jim). He's heading out and I'm pulling the kid watch. What other craft can I do before the new year??

living through the holidays

I'm a slacker. I've had time to write but refused. It feels too much like work so a break was in order. Its now New Years Eve (see a trend, I don't write on the actual holiday). Due to some circumstances, I will be spending New Years at home with the girls (Er and Bernie). Ah well. I will be letting them goof off on the Wii and Webkinz while I work on some stuff. The line up...
  • scrolls for Ice Dragon
  • 2 fleece hats
Oh dear god, the fleece hats. I made one for Erin and that spawned to 8 more requests. They are so easy and cheap if you use the remnant fleece that I got for like $2 a yard if that. All it is a rectangle sewn up the sides and a blanket stitch for the brim. I'll post later on that as soon as I get off my lazy butt.

Now, if I can just convince hubby to get me crab legs for tonight (wink wink)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas saga begins

Thus starts the hell known as Christmas.... Lets begin.

1) Yesterday, it was close to 45 degrees and rain. Yeah, that puts you in the Christmas mood (pic to come)

2) Last minute shopping all around... next year, we start in July. I'm not kidding.

3) The washing machine is broke. It won't spin. Shit.

4) I have a cold.

5) I get woken up at 5 am "mom, i had a bad dream". No wonder, its windy as hell out there and would freak me out too. Consolation - Dr. Who dream... (sorry honey)

6) I wake up again at 8 am to a blizzard lite. Wind, snow.. bleh. At least we get a white Christmas (thats is a plus... I hate green Christmases)

On the upside - the food is all made for today, the presents are wrapped and I only have to finish 4 gifts (all to be given after Christmas - yes Sam, that means you). On the downside, I have to get the washing machine fixed.. bye bye $200.... damn.

Its only 9 am on Christmas eve and well, I give up. Breakfast, shower, head out and be at mom's house by 3 pm or so. Where is my coffee????

Monday, December 17, 2007

Me in Garb Finally and a final scroll

I bit the bullet. Here's me, in garb. I hate my picture being taken but I was really proud of the garb. YAY late 14th Century middle class tunics!! YAY Salmon linen.

It was for Investiture where my Scroll was being given. Here it is all done (no, I didn't do the Calligraphy).

Getting a Tree

last weekend we got the tree - and as always, it was an adventure. She ran through the trees playing hide and seek.

The tree was tied to the roof of the car. The very tip was in view through the back window and Erin kept an eye on it so that if the tree fell off, we'd know. It didn't fall.

4 years old and knows the commandments

It may be a snow day but that doesn't stop my kid from learning. Or at least practicing her lessons. She goes to a Catholic school and part of the Curriculum is religion.

About 5 minutes ago, she burst into song for no apparent reason:
"Number one we've just begun, God should be first in your life
Number two's the idle rule, those graven images aren't right
Number three God's name should be never taken in jest
Number four we've Sabbath for our worship and our rest
Number five we all should strive to honor our father and mother
Number six don't get your kicks from killing one another
Number seven life is heaven when you're true to your mate
Number eight don't steal or break this rule for goodness sake
Number nine don't be the kind who goes around telling lies
Number ten don't covet when you see your neighbors house or wife

That's the list that God insists we stay away from these sins,
and that is why we memorize commandments one through ten
the perfect ten the perfect ten lets say them once again
(repeat whole list)"

Granted - not all the words she says comes out right. There are lots of replacement works and las but she actually has most of the words down. #2 has moon in it.

Snow Day

The Buffalo Catholic schools ( and public too) canceled school today. Why? The Storm that hit us yesterday is over, and the road crews have most of the roads cleared. When I was a kid, we only had snow days if it was a blizzard and that rarely happened.

I'm going back to sleep for a bit. She has cartoons and the couch, she' already acting like a teenager ;)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Thank you Martha

I made several dish towel aprons compliments of Martha Stewart. I really wanted to give gifts I made this year. Everyone needs aprons (THANK YOU APRONISTAS!!) I am going to make a modified one for Erin so it fits and one for Tim so its BBQ ready. I found several nice ones at KMart and the rest at the Dollar Store of all places. Not bad for like 30 min worth of work.

Making Garb

I received 8 yards of Salmon Linen from Lily. Linen. I couldn't cut it, I was terrified. Anything with Linen scares me. So I gave min and I did it. I cut the damn thing. I wanted new garb for investiture and Erin decided she needed to help me. She sat on the table and helped me pin and cut the fabric. She also thought it needed something and started adding scraps.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How many days??

So here is the plan for the next week and a half (deep breath)....
Tonite - give in to the fact I do not have the time to make Truffles for Investiture . Sad as it sounds, I just don't have the time. So, I will plan out the baking for Sunday tonite.

Thursday - Pick up plants from school, work and then watch the kids (I love the kids.. I hope Lex makes me Soup!)

Friday - Get stuff together for Saturday and stop feeling like shit (stupid cold). Ship Val's gift and get Mom's present

Saturday - Relax at Investiture (ha!). Maybe I can sneak out and get his stocking stuff after Dinner (please be done by 6:30!!)

Sunday - while Hubby is out Shopping, Erin and I will get Baking stuff and start making some Placzek and cookies.

Monday - Work lots and finish the X-mas presents

Tuesday - all day meeting and food is provided (remember to bring said Placzek).

Wednesday - Work lots more

Thursday - 1pm and 6 pm - SCHOOL PLAY... BRING VIDEO CAMERA!!

Friday - Bake 24 mini Placzeks and a few more big ones..

Saturday - freak out and get/make food for Xmas Eve

Sunday - get stuff together for Xmas Eve

Monday - Freak out more and have a drink FINALLY

Tuesday - Watch my Kid scream with delight at what Santa brought

Wednesday - Dentist appt for the kid then DO NOTHING BUT PLAY TILL JAN 2nd!!

is it over yet?

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Work in progress

Sorry for the rapid changes and the sort of strange header image. I'm working on a new design (thanks Charlie) and its in progress.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

blood on the gifts

without fail, I have cut myself when working on a sewing project.

1) Erin's Hat and scarf - no blood - safe
2) 5 covers for the guild... still safe
3) Rabbit hat ..... yet safe still
4) present for Sam.... after working on it for an hour and when I decided to stop THATS when I get a nice slice on my finger.


Still.. not bad for an afternoon. I still have to finish Erin's hat and scarf (bright green like the Grinch at her request). And I need to get going on some other smaller presents....

December 1st and I'm already stressing about timelines.