Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We woke to 5 inches of snow this morning. I'm just glad it did it overnight and not while I was at dinner yesterday. I met up with 2 of my closest HS girlfriends whom I hadn't see in some 15 years. Yep... I'm a looser. Anyways.

So the kid gets up this morning and says "Happy New Year mommy".... only 16 hrs early. I have no idea what the plan is for tonight. None. Tomorrow is another day. At least I have off.

Back to the coffee and contemplating in going out there to shovel. And work.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Erin needed new snow pants. Badly.

Thanks to a sale at KMart, we new pants. With me being me, I wanted a new coat for her that had was 2 coats in one.

Of course, it was snowing.

Snowing means sledding.

Sledding means trying out the new gear.

I have a very happy 5 year old.

Video to come shortly.

Merry Christmas Everyone and stay warm.
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Monday, December 22, 2008

snow, Snow, SNow, SNOW

My favorite Christmas movie of all time is WHITE CHRISTMAS. It could be on TV and half way through and I'll watch it. I love the song "Snow".....

Well, we got more snow here than I really wanted. There must have been a foot Friday (thanks to my neighbor for plowing us out). Saturday was clear and nice (finished shopping) but it created a false sense of security. Sunday was a Blizzard. I don't know for certain if it totally qualified as a blizzard but it sure felt like it.

I managed to get out about 7pm to shovel a foot or so. Tim got up at 5 am and shoveled another foot. He couldn't get out of the driveway. The street was pretty impassable. So much for work.

Today's plan. Absolutely nothing. Well except wrapping the coffee cake and making cards. I also refuse to get dressed. JAMMIES DAY!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Cabbage Patch Craze

Total Flashback: 1983. I still have mine and I remember getting mine at Child's World. We had to go up to a room and we have a few minutes to pick one out.

yes virginia, there is a vacation

a little after 1 pm, I was officially done. I spent a little longer on Support issues but I am done.

With School being closed today, I took the opportunity to finish the baking. Peanut Butter Blossoms are done and so are the Cut Outs. I found a great icing that is easy and yummy.

3 c. sifted confectioner's sugar
1/4 c. milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Dash of salt
Combine sugar, milk, vanilla and salt; mix well. Add food coloring. Frost cookies. Add candy sprinkles if desired.

The only change is that I used like a tablespoon of vanilla because I'm addicted to the stuff. Erin and I decorated the sugar cookies and I'm pleased with them.

Now, all I need is 'White Christmas' to be on and I'll be happy.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

is it vacation yet?

I really can't wait till Friday at noon. Vacation for 5 days. I need it. My brain hurts and I have a ton to do.

I just want to stay in my jammies till noon and veg with the 5 year old.

Monday, December 15, 2008

sleeping on the job

sleeping on the job
Originally uploaded by melblackrose
We went and got the tree last week Saturday (yep, just getting around to posting it now).

Erin's job is to make sure the tree doesn't move when its tied to the roof. We get a real tree and its an adventure to go pick it out.

Last year, Erin sat sideways and watched the tree for the whole ride home (like 15 min). This year, she tried. She was battling a sinus infection and lost. Not more than 5 min into the ride home, she was out cold and still sitting sideways.

The tree made it home still attached.


I can not keep my eyes open. at all.

I was up at 2am or so cause of the kid and "thunder" (it was just the wind). The I couldn't fall back asleep. Nightmares about loosing your job really suck.

I need a nap

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Oh dear lord, I'm done.

I have been up since 3 AM stressing about the party today. Does Santa have a suite? Is he coming? 8 am setup for me came and went. Food was got and cafeteria decorated. People actually asked me where things should go. Ummmmm.... whatever. Its just decorations.

100 people , 47 photos and one giant chocolate Santa raffle later (yes, I still can make people buy raffle tickets when they don't want to), the party itself was done. Thanks to all the parents that helped and those that had wonderful ideas for next year. Needless to say, I'm not waiting 3 weeks before the party to start planning it. Nope.. and one father had a wonderful idea to do a real breakfast (eggs and bacon). Bacon is good.

The kicker was the photos. With the news that Polaroids are no longer being made, we went digital. As soon as I got home, I uploaded the photos, added a border and went to pick then up at Target 1 hr later. But the machine was broke. How's $3 off for ya? SURE I say. So I only ended up paying $6.98 for 47 photos. SWEET DEAL.

I'm done now. so done.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

where did i go?

I'm such a slacker (Jim, shush... brotherly comments can be keep to yourself). I'll rephrase that. I'm a slacker with the blog. Here's why.

1) Christmas - preparations are underway. House needed to be cleaned, tree needed to be bought and decorated, shopping needed to be started.

2) PTA - I am now the Co-President (or VP, whatever we decide) for the kid's school. Yes, you heard me. PTA.

3) Breakfast with Santa - this ties into #2. Since I am in the PTA, I was asked to chair the breakfast this year. Thank goodness for Maria. She has been a help and so has Lil. I'm trying to keep this one under $250. Keeping it simple and cheap!

4) Work. yeah, its work

5) Sinus Infection Kid! She's been battling this cold now turned Sinus Infection for 2 weeks. Now she's on antibiotics so things should turn around.

6) Broken sinks. 2 weekends in a row we've fixed both sinks in the house. I have points in plumbing.

Updates will be more frequent, I promise.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

I am NOT out shopping. I will NOT go anywhere near a retail center today. Why then am I awake at 5:30 AM on the day after Thanksgiving?

Earache and indigestion.

Oh Poop.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


In so many ways, I'm stuffed. Dinner is done, we're home and I'm not moving. Nope. Done. Just like the bird.

Dinner was at Mom's (since she has the dish washer). And it was quiet. Except for the friendly game of poker. When you get a 5 year old and 11 year old playing, it gets funny. The 11 year old took most of Tim's chips. The 5 year old just kept betting, even when we folded.

Oh.. the hilarity ensued.

Now, were is the pie...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Excuse me, you have a puppy on your face

Naw.... This is about the darn cutest thing I have ever seen. This would make anyone's pain go away. Go here and try to win it,... no don't! I WANT IT!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mission accomplished

My hubby rocks. Without fighting, we took apart the kitchen sink plumbing... including a broken garbage disposal system. Its all in working order and looks wonderful. Between the two of us, we got the stubborn thing out and no more leaks.

I love you hubby.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Little Pony - A Very Minty Christmas

Dear Santa - I, err... Erin would really love this....

Now I'll be singing the song all day long.

Christmas Giveaway 2008

My favorite time of year! Christmas Giveaway 2008 by 5 Minutes for Mom is underway. Wish me Luck!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Scary clown night

so far 3 scary clowns... what's up with that?

Happy Halloween!

I'm here at the house WAITING for kids.. 1 kid so far. The fam is at Grammy and Papa's to trick and Treat on that street.

Here.. I think I am the ONLY house giving candy out.

Regardless.. I have good candy and if only a few kids show, more for me!

Happy Halloween all...while I eat the Rolos...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Embroidery project

I tried my hand at embroidering last week and it turned out pretty well! I just a simple looping stitch and did it in 2 colors, a cream and a smokey. The hem is variant on the same stitch.

I really liked doing it. I just need better base materials.

Apple picking

Originally uploaded by melblackrose
I'm just getting around to this now. Erin and I went apple picking last weekend at a lovely farm. A real farm. With turkeys, goats, cows and dog. And a real barn. A working farm. And the apples were incredible. We were actually able to PICK the apples. In years past we had gone to another farm and well, lets just say the apples were less than appealing and we ended up buying them already picked. At this NEW farm, you picked until you were done, got them weighed and you can take as many as you want!

We came away with 43 lbs of apples, 2 pumpkins, 6 gourds and some cider for hubby. $34! That was it. They also had the most beautiful antique pumpkins I'd ever seen. The regular pumpkins were also perfect. I'm serious. These pumpkins were round and had very few blemishes. They looked like storybook pumpkins.

I wish I had bought more but there was no way I could do it with just me and her there. So 2 was the limit.

antique pumpkins

All in all, it was a wonderful day and would share an apple with my girl again.


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

off duty

I don't like taking sick days. The work piles up and my job doesn't really allow for it sometimes. Today, I just feel like poop. I am throwing in the towel.

I have a cat and a couch and TV. I'm done.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

What a day

We had a lot planned for today. First was dance practice at 9 am. This is weekly so its expected BUT we added a fun filled day of Apple Picking and a Demo today.

After dancing, we hit the road for for Lockport to go to a local farm to pick apples. I fell in love with the place! It was a real farm. We came away with 43 lbs of apples, 2 pumpkins, 6 gourds and some cider for hubby. $34! Thats it! Half the apples were for my mother-in-law so after a quick stop there, we were home to change to go to the Penn Dixie site. They do a Pirate thing every year and our SCA group offers a demo (thrown weapons and fencing). The catch - its a Pirate theme. I got to be a Pirate and so did Erin... she was a Pink Pirate. I also threw for like an hour straight.

We JUST came home.. 9pm.. I'm so done... and it was cold so nowI feel like crude. She's passing out on the couch. My turn soon.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cats Together...

Cats Together...
Originally uploaded by melblackrose
This never happens. I think Ribbon (on the left) was passed out and no idea that Charity (on the right) was there! Ribbon is very territorial and heaven forbid that Charity be more than 2 feet away.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I do own garb!

Again, Kimmy is the only one who catches me in garb.

Hmmm.. I wonder what I could with this??

This is from Pennsic.. (Thanks Kimmy). Its always run when the fighters get new armor. So shiney..

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Driving to fairfax in a lincoln town car. I am special

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Wow.. so behind

I am so behind...

MarineLand didn't happen due to lack of Birth Certificates.  Long story but we made it Fantasy Island instead.  Had a wonderful time.

Now, School has started.  Same teacher, same room.  New kids and the fear of not making friends.  New challenges.. 

I leave on Sunday for VA again and in the mean time, we are all practicing ROCK BAND for a silly little competition.. TOTALLY FREAKING COOL!!!   I LOVE ROCK BAND!!    I have to wait for Christmas.  No sense in getting it now when the price is likely to drop.  Honey, If you are reading this... I APPROVE!!!!  

Saturday, August 30, 2008

"There's a place I know in Ontario.."

Yes, she made it the week so we get to go to MarineLand in Canada. We leave here in like an hour so have to get ready. Breakfasts are done.. except for her.

If she doesn't eat, we don't go. Pardon me while I lay the law down.

Monday, August 25, 2008

5 days and counting..

Its the last week of camp and i feel sick to my stomach... nerves. For the fact that we have 1 week left then its off to school where I get to stare at the phone more and hope (and pray) that it doesn't ring. Please don't ring

Friday, August 15, 2008

It wouldn't be summer with an injury

So we went swimming today. The child pushed off the side of the pool with her back to me and she didn't look to see if anyone was there. Nor did she hear me when I said wait.

I now am getting a black eye (left eye top of the eye). It hurts.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So freaking cool

It was well worth the money. Wii Fit is so freaking cool. Getting the danged thing was challenge enough.
I managed to figure the set up part, redid the body test like 3 times (note, don't hold the remote when its scanning you). Apparently I weigh less than I think or the board is slightly off. Frankly I don't care.

30 min of running, yoga, balance, and hula... i'm beat. I also need a sports bra (I know, TMI). Hula I think is best at this point.

And the nice thing is that Erin didn't freak when I said she couldn't use it tonight. She was all like "thats ok mom, I can use it tomorrow. you set it up tonight". So I got some me time in with the Wii Fit. Thank you company for allowing me to expense it !!!!!

Mission Accomplished

On a whim I was checking online for Wii Fit availability. Luck was on my side. Target had a few. 2 to be exact. 20 minutes later, one was in my hand. Yes, I finally got it.

Expense report is going in today and I will be sore tomorrow. Its all worth it.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Home again

This will be brief as I have a ton to do. I made it home in one piece. Five hours in the car sucks but it can be done. I am just glad to be home. Pictures coming as soon as I feel up to it.

I have laundry waiting.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

24 hrs and counting

We'll be leaving tomorrow morning so this is likely the last or next to last post for about a week. Oh heck, I may text a post..who knows.

Sam made it in last night from Vegas in one piece (damned 12:30 am time frame - the airport has nothing open). I'm making the final list of stuff I know I need to get. More will be added to it when I get to Sam's parent's house.

I get a vacation... who knew!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

green Stuff

Not money... by my garden. I have a zucchini finally! Its going to camp with me (along with a yellow squash from a friend's garden). The carrots aren't growing as fast as I'd like but thats my fault. I planted them too close together.

The green onions aren't doing so good either but heck, I tried.

And to boot - my neighbor just gave me some cucumbers too which means sweet pickles will be made and ready in 2 weeks. YEAH!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

son of a ...

I have freaking "Pink Eye" - better called conjunctivitis. Its either Viral or bacterial but regardless, it sucks
The meds the doctor provided me with were $100 for a little tube of ointment. $100!!!! Come on.... I had to pay $25. The only problem is that its an ointment and not drops. I have goop on my eye now and my vision is blurred. THIS SUCKS!

I am gonna go sulk now.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Originally uploaded by melblackrose
I made the decision plant a garden this year and well, it is so so. Only the carrots are doing really well and this, I think is a Zucchini plant. I think. I planted that and cucs next to each other and I think this is Zucchini. I have blooms on it so I hope I get something soon.

Something... any thing.

Erin's bean plants are growing too. I forgot we planted them!

Happy Wet kid

Happy Wet kid
Originally uploaded by melblackrose
We had to get a new pool today since froggy is dead. While at the store we ended up getting a new suit...

I managed to find a Yellow Polkadot 2 piece for like $7. We cracked it open as soon as we came home.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Not only did I manage to make a list for Pennsic, I got some of the food stuff for the trip. This is the one thing I hate about camping is the cooking side. I never know what to bring. Refrigeration is not an option and you can only make so many trips for Ice.

On top of the shopping, I managed to make 2 chitons (greek/roman style toga thing) and start the scrolls for Summer's End.

What was I thinking?

Monday, July 07, 2008

spoke too soon

She had a good weekend.. lots of late nights but otherwise normal. Late night hanging at the drive in watching Wall-E again, eating junk food on the 4th. Played till late with her cousin on Saturday and went out with me yesterday but she was in bed early and excited about camp.

This morning she freaked as soon as we got up the stairs. She didn't want me to leave. I made it into work a half hour late and now I'm grumpy. Same old same old as the last week of school.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

a lot can happen in a year

All I can say is wow.

Week one of day camp is done and she loves it. The counselors love her for the entertainment and she is well behaved.

Swimming - she JUMPED in the pool, went under the water and didn't freak. She repeatedly went under the water even with her eyes open.

Dinner - manners and she ate. Thats all I care about right now.

Shopping -No whining in the toy store. In the bookstore, she was polite, helped a little girl, gave the little girl the book she was reading so she wouldn't have to walk over to get another one. The dad stopped me and said what a polite and nice girl she was. They are used to seeing the snotty, bratty, pisspots and Erin was "perfect". In reward, she got 2 more books. They are books!! Not toys.

Going home - there was a DWI check on the way home and she was patient and didn't get freaked by the cop.

Home - no issue going to bed - story and 3 songs. No whining.

Last year, she was dealing with temper tantrums, fits, ODD type behavior and not dealing well with me leaving. Now, she's a different kid. She's not perfect but today was ideal. Thank you school for discipline. Thank you YMCA for letting her be a kid for the summer.


Thanks to Nayada, I found the lost thought.

Its Thursday and its raining. It always rains on Thursdays because of Thursdays in the Square. Free outdoor concert = rain. It never fails.

I can rest easier now.

Where do all the lost thoughts go?

Driving into work this morning I had a great idea for a blog... now its gone. This is the one thing I HATE. I refuse to send it via my phone (not to mention I can't spell on the stupid thing). And I can't write and drive at the same time.

I'm trying to back track in my head to remember what it was and its not working. I got in the car, dropped Erin off, got back in the car, drove to the office and now I'm here. What the hell was it?
Nothing on the radio I don't think... hmmm...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

day 3 of Camp and game 3

So far, so good. Three full days of swimming, running, playing and she's pooped. Not to mention she has soccer on top of it. Yesterday we ran from Camp to practice and today to the Game. I hate eating this much fast food.

She was a little nervous the first day (to the point of throwing up) since she wasn't sure if she'd know anyone or how she'd be in the pool. That crisis was averted as soon as we got there. Two of her classmates were there so her comfort level rose. No problems at all.

Today she had a little accident but nothing big and the staff loves her (so they say). We'll see how it goes. Tomorrow is the first field trip to a skate rink, something she has never done. I expect to see bruises. Eh... its summer so she should have bruises.

We had a soccer game today and they won again for the 2nd week (wait, we're not supposed to keep score.. ha!). She is getting better about staying on the field. Her complaint is that the boys don't pass the ball and they keep stealing it from her. I don't blame her. She understands the rules of the game and really wants all the other kids to play like her. We saw some pretty good moves out there today and its so much fun watching the cluster of color moving up and down the field. They all kept tripping today too so next game we'll have a med kit to be sure the knees get band-aids as soon as possible.

One more day till Friday and then a mini vacation.... COME ON FRIDAY!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a love hate relationship

I'm talking about work. I love it because I get great pay and benefits to boot. I'm talking GREAT benefits. I hate it for the following reasons:
1) an iffy product that seems to be getting worse
2) not enough people to help support the existing issues we have
3) changing gears midstream and no one telling me
4) non-responsiveness
5) the statement "Mel knows..."

I'm just aggravated and tired of being in the middle. I think I'll just stop caring like everyone else.

Digital Scrapbook of my Kid

I was aggravated with life so I did this. I am so in the wrong line of work.

Monday, June 23, 2008

RIP Georgie

I woke this morning to find George III (aka Georgie) had passed. Georgie is our 2 year old goldfish. Not a fair fish but a store bought 27 cent fish.

He'd been having some issues lately - trouble breathing, not moving, some discoloration. Not a bad run for a goldfish. Just over 2 years.

I have yet to tell Erin as she's still asleep.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


We tried the Angel Food Network program at a local church and all I can say is WOW. The amount of food we got for $30 was incredible - tater tots, chicken tenders, steak, riblets, frozen veggies, pizza, Italian sausage, burgers, eggs and more! I also got a pack of 10 lbs of Chicken tenders for $16... We have enough to last us in meat for a month or more!

With the cost of food these days, I may be able to get away with $150 a month on groceries (or, maybe a little more if I want ice cream).

I'll let you know how things taste...

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Brass Ring Pictures


Chillin on the Dragon swing looking oh so pretty

Silly head cut out

5 miles

Thats what I walked today. Today was the Brass Ring Thing up in Tonawanda. Its a benefit for The Hershell Carrousel Museum and the SCA does a lot of the demos. Erin and I went. She played all the games ($5 bracelet), had lunch there with me ($9), 2 bottles of water ($4), and wanted a thing for head ($7). I splurged on something for me ($14) and thats it. Why do I not have any money??

Regardless, she had fun and I got burnt. She bet up the fighters and loved it. I loved watching her beat up the fighters.

Dinner was part of the reason I walked so far. We went to the Marina to get Ice Cream for dinner. I just don't care. So we walked down to the redone section of the marina - its nice. Still needs work but its nice.

Pixs to come as soon as I find the camera, cord and can feel my feet.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

59 days.....

20 hrs, 10 min ....... until Pennsic....well when I leave for Pennsic with my two best friends for a week of Camping with 10,000 of my 'closest' friends. The 3 of us need this vacation very very badly. We're all camping together which makes it easier on the walking and keeping tabs at random points in the day (well, we'll loose Lil at some point, we always do).

Is it Pennsic yet???

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wellies, well fake ones

In preparation for Pennsic, I wanted to get some rain boots (Wellies) but I refuse to spend that much.

Target had some for $19.99 - just about what I wanted to spend.

Mine are pink. Erin's have a cat on them. She word them while we were shopping and singing her "Wellies" song.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sunset in Lackawanna


My niece is turning 25 this year. She and her best friend celebrated yesterday (sometime in the middle of their 2 birthdays - J was in early May and B in June).

It was nice - CT Ryder played, we had pizza and wings, drank, the kids played dress up with little B, made S'mores,... overall a good time.

Happy (early) Birthday B.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Lunch time crafting

I was home yesterday with a sick kid so I spent my lunch making a lunch bag. I had some scraps of fabric and some interfacing so I thought I'd give the tote a try. Its not great but not terrible. For Lunches too work, its fine. I have some fabric to make bigger ones for groceries (thanks mom). We shall see!

Monday, May 12, 2008

crafting fail

I wanted to add a pin to the fabulous new hand bag (a very cute button flower pin) but it had fail written all over it. I came home from my Mother's house with a box of sewing stuff circa 1978 including a ton of buttons.

Since the bag is black and blueish, I had buttons that color, a pin and some quiet time during Law and Order so why not? One problem. Wrong glue.

Looks like a trip to the craft store is needed for supplies.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mine mine mine

Thanks to Tina for the wonderful bag. I have no patience for handbags (maybe I should use a pattern) so I'll let her to do it.

Isn't it wonderful??

Monday, May 05, 2008

Zombies and Superheros

Last night I had the most vivid and bizarre dream ever, to the point where you could actually feel.

We we in New York City - I think, and it was overrun with Zombies with a central stronghold for the humans. Thats where we were. Now, it was the typical zombie dream up until certain people became Superheros (not the real justice league but based on, say.. Wonder Woman..,that was me).

Needless to say, at one point, we had to incinerate a zombie after it snuck in and there were several officals. One had a Zombie that had no teeth and was more human like --- apparently able to curb the blood and flesh urge. I shook his hand.... I remember what it felt like.

In the end...when I woke up for the final time, the city was blocked off and the govt was going to get rid of the issue... (sounds like something from I AM LEGEND).

Damn. It was a good dream.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Going Green because its cheaper

With the ongoing battle at pumps over the insanely high price of Gas (almost $4 a gallon now kids, this is getting bad) and now the cost of flour going up, all the extra money is going to Food and gas. A few of us I know are going green because we HAVE to, not because we want to.

1) No more paper towels - use cloth instead

2) pre-made instant in a box oatmeal is out - a tub is cheaper and tastes the same

3) buy in bulk - separate into portion sized containers and share with a friend.

4) Go homemade - bread: only eat it when you know you'll eat it (how much have i thrown out), granola: apparently, my homemade granola bars are the bomb and recycle leftovers (mmm... Shepard's pie, and stirfry.... mmmmmmmmmm)

5) Order online - it has come to my attention that you can order in bulk from Amazon on everyday good (coffee, personal hygiene products, cleaning supplies and so on). I may never have to shop for feminine products, dish soap and toilet paper again~ well, for this year at least

6) Use baking soda and vinegar to clean - it worked for my grandmother, it can work for me and its cheaper too

7) I have all this Tupperware, I might as well use it.

8) Grow a garden - its fun, exercise, the kids will love it and the fresh veggies taste yummy

9) eat less meat - I love meat (snicker, giggle - love you honey) but Its sooo expensive. More veggies and pasta huh? OK - I'm game for new rice and more chicken.

10)NETFLIX! Yes, you heard me. We get fairly current movies, make popcorn (no icee though) and have a night at the movies. Sometimes, we even do a double-feature (oooohhhhhh) AND we don't have to leave the house...expect to go the mail box of course. And a benifit, I can get up to use the bathroom and NOT MISS ANY OF THE MOVIE.

11) Make your own greeting cards - I have a ton of paper and an internet connection. I can get creative.

Ok, I'll stop. Its such a shame its taking the Gas and Flour prices to make people go green (or whatever hue it is).

Sunday, April 27, 2008

What I did this weekend

I have been having a strange pain in my left hand for 2 weeks. A pulling and sharp pain at the base of the thumb and middle finger.

With much hemming and hawing, I went to an urgent care facility since my primary is out of the country. 1 hour later and 2 XRays later, I have trigger finger and tendonitis. How to fix it? You can't, well not really. I have to rest it (ha!) ice it and take an anti-inflammatory. That means knitting and crochet are on hold. Sewing is ok in spurts. I'm glad its my left and not my right hand. That would really suck.



Thanks to fine folks at 5 Minutes for Mom, I've been thinking about being a mom.

This picture sums it up - she was 3 1/2 and insisted on baking Christmas Placzek (coffee cake) with me. Needless to say, more flour and sugar made it on the floor than in the mixer. But, it was a day of discovery. I was able to laugh at accidents and she found she was really good at baking. My girl is my pride and joy and makes me proud to be a mom. We may not be perfect, but we'll get by.

Head over to 5 Minutes for Mom and check out their awesome giveaways!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I have a beauty Guardian Angel

And this Guardian Angel gave me something to try that I have fallen in love with. Philosophy - the microdelivery in home peel.

She had a sample on use size for me to try and WOW! My face is incredibly smooth. This is something that I need to get when I have a little extra cash as its on the pricey side. Apparently everything I really like is mucho expensive.

Thank you Charlie for another addiction :)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

it is April 19th and....

What is up with that? I'm loving it don't get me wrong but its a little warm for me. I prefer the 70's. The nice thing is that its a bit cooler where I live (advantage of living near the lake).

So with the warm weather, Erin and I helped out at school today to clean the grounds in honor of the new projects at school with Americorps and Earth Day. Raking was in order for the day. We stayed for about 2 hours (8:30 to 10:30 am) and headed home to go to Mc D for lunch (imagine a scarcasic woohoo). After lunch, we, well, I tackled the garden in the back of the house. For some strange reason I want to plant veggies this year. We eat a ton of carrots and I really like Zucchini. I make Sweet Pickles every year so lets supplement from our own garden! Not to mention, Erin really wants to grow a pumpkin. I said why not.

Therefore in honor of Earth Day and the need to be a little more green ('cause its not easy being green), a veggie garden will be ATTEMPTED this year. A small compost pile will be right next to it and plastic bags are evil. There. I said it. No more plastic bags. The old light bulbs are out and the new Energy efficient ones are in. Environmentally safe cleaners now live under my sink and I need more Vinegar to make some home made cleaners. I also need a bigger recycling bin.
Thank you honey for putting up with me on the quest to make the Earth a little better for the kid.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

turning a corner

For those who care, the 5 year old has turned a corner. The issues have subsided to a normal 5 year old level and we're still getting the swing of school rules all the time, not some of the time.

The Reds are way fewer and she's not totally loosing it. She's taking the Oranges better and learning from the Yellows.

My thoughts on this? Her frustration level is lower and comprehension is up. Her vocabulary is much better and can articulate what is pissing her off. And Catholic School is good. We LOVE Catholic School.

I've been hesitating on posting this for fear that the minute I say its good, it turns back to bad. But ya know, she's trying and thats all I can ask for.

too much to do

So the birthday party is done (yeah!!) and the Bridal shower is done (woot!) so that means I have a long list of stuff that needs to get done ASAP.

1) Charlie's Pillow covers
2) SCA Scroll
3) Sam's present (at least one is now done, I just need to finish the other)
4) plant the garden

These are the immediate ones that HAVE to be done. I have a list of 'would like to do if I only had more time'

IPOD monster
wrist warmers
A Bagsket
Random Cat toys
A plastic Bag holder
Grocery Bags
dice bag swag for hubby
frame my daughter's art work
free range monsters
home made granola bars

This list has been shoved to the side for the time being. I have more important things to do like listen to Erin READ me a book. Yes folks, the 5 year old has gotten the reading bug. Her sight word list is a bit shaky but she's getting it. She has read 5 books for me (with a little help on some of the big words) and she's a top reader in her class. There is an issue with few words (said, is, it, the) but we're getting over it. I think she needs to see the words in context and not randomly thrown at her.

I am awfully proud of her - she's only 5. Its amazing as to what the schools are expecting of the kids now - 5 years are expected to read already. That was first grade for us. Crazy.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Signs of Spring

I have been in a funk the last few weeks. The weather has been bad and cold. So bu the grace of the gods (damn Battlestar), the temps have been in the 50s-60s and the flowers are starting to bloom. I found this little guy in my back yard need a tree thing we have. I have no idea where it came from and there is only one. Bloom little flower, BLOOM!!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Season 3

Battlestar Galactica Season 3 just came out.. bastards. I want to watch it till my eyes bleed.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Site for scribal stuff

Given the SCA nature of some posts and I know that its strange, I will have a Blog for that stuff (links, images.. you know). I'll post the big important stuff here as well but in any event - here it is.
Note that its a work in progress

Monday, March 10, 2008

yet another scroll

Ice Dragon is this weekend and more scrolls need to be done, especially for the tourneys. You see, I'm into Medieval reenacting. I belong to a the Society for Creative Anachronism. I'm a geek through and through. Not only do I knit, crochet and sew, I also scrapbook, do illumination and calligraphy, embroider, cook, bake and do lots and lots of research.

Back to Ice Dragon. Its the big event for the area and I offered my services to do 2 scrolls - 1st and 2nd place Novice. From one Novice to another I say. Well, I again offered my services - how much time does it really take to do a scroll? Lets take one more. Heavy Arms tourney.

So far - 1 hr research
1 hr to pencil sketch
1/2 hr to ink
2 hrs calligraphy (this took me longer since I had a cat bumping my elbow as I wrote)

Left - Color.

Will it be done by Friday? Hell yah! Will it get the 'Ah' factor? I hope so. I have also found my new favorite resource - the Maciejowski Bible. I lost some time researching this bible and its great images. I can see why so many reenactors use this.

I'm done for the night. night all...

"Just like you..."

We're home today on a sick day (yeah soft toilet paper). She's watching TV while I work and 'crafting'. You know, coloring various thing and gluing Stuff.

She asks me for some string and I give it to her. I ask, "What are you doing?". Her reply as honest as could be "Crafting mommy. I want to Craft like you."

That made me smile. She's beading a necklace from some beads. I love my girl.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Finally, its done. The snood for Ice Dragon is complete. Its the same color as the salmon linen tunic.

I messed it up a bit for for the better. No big deal.

yeh me!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Going to Plan B

So the party didn't happen. Travel Advisory, a foot of snow and ice. hmmmm.. a few friends made it over but we politely told them to go home (but take the cupcakes!)

Its a sad day in the house but what can do you. So Erin and I made a sledding hill instead. Check this out.

Now, she's all mopey and whiny. I'm working on Garb and hubby is watching TV with her. I want a drink.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Please don't snow....

Its 1 day until the Birthday party. This week we have cleaned the house, made 50 cupcakes, decorated those same cupcakes, made party games, filled gift bags and planned a family party for tonight. And to top of it, there is a Winter Storm Warning and Watch in effect until Sunday.

Note the timing. Today is Friday. Party is Saturday at 2. Storm is expected to be at its worst Saturday Afternoon.

Do see a problem with this? Her heart has been set on having the girls come over and now there is a good chance it won't happen. Much less get her Birthday present on Sunday morning. I need a plan B. I don't have a plan B.


Monday, February 25, 2008

I am that Mom

For the 5th birthday, we decided to have a Princess Party. I hand made the envelopes and made the invitations.

Yes, I did the calligraphy. I am that Mom and I am proud.

the blog of the beast

hhehehehe. This made me giggle.

have scissors, will travel

I have been on a craft kick. Like a serious kick. I have the following projects underway

1) a Snood - yes, a snood. I need it for March 15th.
2) 6-7 pillow covers - Charlie is moving (boohooo) and gets to play with a whole new house and stuff (yah!). We've covering some crappy old pillows so she can place them by the fire...
3) Dragon Bean Bag toss - the child's birthday is 2 weeks...
4) Dr. Who scarf - just because I love my Husband, this will be the eternal project. 12 feet of scarf, and I didn't even blink
5) A black shawl - I've been working on this for over a year..
6) Sam's lap blanket - another project I've been working on for a year.
7) Sam's 'present' - thats all i'm gonna say (no, Sam, its not done, it had to be fixed)
8) Wash Clothes - I have some Cotton yarn to make dish/wash clothes.
9) Favor Bags - again - for the the kid in 2 weeks
10) Wrist Warmers

I'm in way over my head but I'm a Gemini. I wouldn't have it any other way. At least the yarn in organized.

Not to mention the gazillion sites I've found recently (THANKS CHARLIE!). I'm torn between surfing the Homemade Craft sites or doing the crafts.

I really should go do the laundry.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Chicken soup and Croup

We were planning on taking a sick day for Erin - she's got that croupy cough going on again. She's had this a few times in the past and its not as bad as you think. The first time is horrific. Now, she just sounds like a seal.

So the sick day was replaced with a snow day. Its 6 degrees with a -15 windchill. Yesterday night is was -1 degrees with a windchill of -23 there abouts.

In our early morning talks (typical of a 4 year old who can't sleep), I ask her if she wanted Chicken soup today. Silly me. Of course she does. The pot is on the stove and I'm just waiting for the chicken to boil before I throw some veggies in.

I love home made chicken soup. Especially on days like today.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"I'm going slightly mad...."

I've been having a panic attack for most of the day. I know exactly what is causing it (multiple things) and I made it worse by having some 2 1/2 cups of coffee. Not to mention the strange fact I had the opportunity to gorge myself on chocolate yesterday and didn't. The need was satisfied with a handful of M&Ms. I have no desire to drink pop (soda, whatever). I'm feeling all kinds of out of sorts.

This songs sums it up:
Words and music by Queen

When the outside temperature rises
And the meaning is oh so clear
One thousand and one yellow daffodils
Begin to dance in front of you - oh dear
Are they trying to tell you something
You're missing that one final screw
You're simply not in the pink my dear
To be honest you haven't got a clue

I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened - happened
It finally happened - ooh oh
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Oh dear

I'm one card short of a full deck
I'm not quite the shilling
One wave short of a shipwreck
I'm not my usual top billing
I'm coming down with a fever
I'm really out to sea
This kettle is boiling over
I think I'm a banana tree
Oh dear

I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened - happened
It finally happened - uh huh
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Oh dear

Ooh ooh ah ah
Ooh ooh ah ah
I'm knitting with only one needle
Unravelling fast it's true
I'm driving only three wheels these days
But my dear how about you

I'm going slightly mad
I'm going slightly mad
It finally happened
It finally happened - oh yes
It finally happened
I'm slightly mad
Just very slightly mad

And there you have it

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Hi! My name is..

We went to a party last night at Chuck E Cheese for the Daughter's friend. It was a school friend. This means an very uncomfortable setting. Moms don't know each other. We only know each other as so and so's Mom. We all have lost our identities as people.

I did really try but I am so aweful with names. I want to do what Harvey does,.. hand a card out with my name and contact info. All Moms should do this.

These are darling.

I found more only after searching for Mom Business cards!

At Cards for Mom, they have one with a heel graphic.. so cute.

A Touch of Whimsy Design
has some darling designs. I really like this one:

Event Bliss has Mom and Dad designs too

I'm getting 10 sample mini cards from MOO. I picked 10 photos from my Flickr account. I wish I had them last night.

4 hours of cleaning one room

What room could possibly take that long to clean? why the Kitchen! No, I didn't get on my hands and knees and scrub the floor with a toothbrush. I never made it that far. All I did was straighten the baker's rack, kitchen table and cleaned the cupboards. 9 cupboards covered in grease. I don't often go to the top shelves. Since the cupboards are open and metal, they retain any grease possible.

It was interesting to take everything off the shelves and find the bowls I was looking for along with some spices I didn't know I had.

I also made a clean spot on top of the fridge. Damn. I hate it when I do that.

I feel better though and there may be a some new additions to plates if all go well. Trade is a wonderful thing.

And no -- I didn't finish. The floor didn't get done and I don't care right now.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


This may be a TMI moment but oh well.

I never really realized how little fiber we consume. Yes darling, you too. This explains a lot. So in an effort to better improve my general health, shopping got expensive. Veggies, fruits, yogurt, wheat bread and metamucil. Yep. And its not that bad. A bit chuncky but it can be drunk.

This, combined with walking about 100 yards (i do park far away) to and from the office and some general chasing of a 4 year old, I may see results.

Vita Water kicks ass too.

25 grams of fiber. Here I come!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Best Compliment

Due to the fact is so freaking cold out, I opted to TRY and make home made chicken soup. I started it early today and it was done about 1 pm. If it was bad, I didn't feel bad for throwing it out.

Brave that I am, I tried it. IT WAS GOOD!! Not bad for a first try. So knowing my daughter, I didn't force it on her. She saw the chicken and the noodles. The next thing I know she's asking for a bowl of soup.

We sit down and take a break from work/play and have a late lunch. She ate it all and said "Mom, that was the best soup ever".

Thanks kid - you made it all worth it today.


Its about 6 am and I've been up since 5. The wind is howling at a constant 35 mph and gusts up to 60. The temperature started off at 53 degrees and now its 22. The Wind chill is 4 degrees at times. Its called an Arctic Cold Front.

I can hear the garbage cans hitting the houses. There is a plastic container rattling on the fence. With each gust, the house shakes enough to nerve me. I am listening for the tree. A distinct creak that I grew accustomed to in the October storm. I am listening for the silence - power outages have been reported but for some reason, S. Buffalo is usually spared. Especically my street. Almost 20,000 homes without power so far.

The wind stopped for the moment and it was creepy.

I can't go back to sleep.

Erin hasn't woken up yet - she sleeps like Tim.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Super Cheap

My god, its possible to buy a nice shirt for $1.50. Old Navy had a huge sale on clearance. I walked away with 3 shirts for like $7 when full priced would have been like $55! Erin got a new winter coat for $10 - normal price was $58! YAH!!!!!!

New Project - I really must love him

Tim, Erin and I are huge Dr. Who fans. Well, duh... its the Doctor! One thing Tim and I had talked about for a long time is the scarf - the Tom Baker scarf. Yes, you know the one. I found a great site that has the 4 scarfs used patterns.

Thank you Vanna for having the colors I need to start...


Friday, January 25, 2008


I battling a sinus thing, goopy eyes and general crappiness. In one word miserable. I don't have a fever but again I just feel blah.

So I napped a bit this morning (yes honey, I napped). Feeling a bit better minus the pain in the cheekbones.

Tissues are my friend and so is the cat.

I think a nice hot shower (mmm... steam) will help and another dose of something.

I have sick days. Why don't I use them? Why infect the office?


Thank you US Government. Thank you. I can wait till May. I will gladly take the $1500. I will gladly spend $100 of it for myself, and the hubby and kid will some as well. But know this.

I want a house. I will squirrel away the remainder for a down payment on a house. Your plan to have all that money go back into the economy will happen. Eventually. I promise. A house needs furniture, paint, stuff..... so you see, by saving a little now, you will get more in the end.

Thank you US Government. Thank you. You have lessened my fear a bit about will I ever be able to get a house.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

my workout buddy

Erin has decided to be my workout buddy. She worked out with me for 10 minutes and is keeping me honest about water. She got her sneakers on and started stepping right along with me

15 min cardio
10 min warm/cool
5 extra stuff

I'm pooped but pumped at the same time. I stink too. That good stink meaning I did something.

One thing I need is a good workout mix. Damn Brittney for having 2 songs I can work out to... I hate her.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Me me me, all me

I splurged on myself and bought some stuff from Old Navy. I couldn't pass up a $10 dress so I picked it up. Well, I had it sent to me.

IT FITS! I DON'T HAVE TO SEND IT BACK!!! EVERYTHING FITS!!! I think I look smokin' in it.

Thank you Old Navy. Thank you.


The kid is strange. Last weekend, Tim took us out to lunch. When we got to Friendly's, Erin pipes up saying she wanted to go to the place with the Waterfall where you get your own food.

I love this kid. She wanted to go to the Chinese buffet.

What 4 year old wants to go the Chinese buffet? I don't know of any.

So all week, the deal was that if she was Green (aka no problems) all week, we'd go on Friday for dinner. So far so good. I SO WANT CHINESE!!!

Is it 5 pm yet? Crab legs, here I come! I'll be good, I just need a couple....

day 2

We are still home. She has a slight temp (don't know if it was being under the covers) but she slept fro 5:30 pm to 6 am. Yeah, I'd say something was up.

So, clingy child and I are home. I know how she feels and it sucks. All she wants to do snuggle and I have to work. blah.

Laundry is still under way. YEH VOMIT!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


After only a few hrs of sleep and a full day of work at home, not to mention a few loads of laundry, I think I have hit delirium.

I brought out the step and weights. 30 minutes later, I'm sweating. Doing some basic cardio to Access Hollywood or one of those other celeb shows makes you work harder. I want to look like that. I want to fit in the fabulous 1950's dresses. I don't want to be embarrassed in my swimsuit. I want to shop in Womens. Not the Womens Plus or whatever they call it. I'm done with it.

The cookies are going - yes, the yummy chocolate chips I made for Christmas are going. I will get used to Low Fat stuff. For years I only drank 2% and 1% Milk. Now, I can't go near the stuff. I only drink Skim. I can get used to low fat cheese. I will, I have to.

I do refuse to use the fake sugars. They make me sick. So, half a teaspoon in the coffee. Got it.

Soda Pop --- I need some help here. Honey, we can eat out, thats fine. Please help me NOT order a Coke. NO MORE POP. I just need to get more of the REAL LEMON powder stuff and i'll be good.

Enough of that, I'm going to watch some TV while the kid is asleep.

Seven loads of Laundry

I don't know if its a stomach bug or food poisoning, but Erin got hit hard with something. It started at 11 pm and its still going. Out of both ends (gross) and remarkably, she's in a good mood.

The poor thing keeps apologizing. I'm not mad just tired. I think I got only 3 hrs of sleep last night and I can't see straight.

So working from home it is and 7 loads of laundry (3 comforters, 2 blankets, a sheet, pillowcase and some clothes). yah! the fun doesn't stop.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

don't ring

my heart is racing now. the only time my cell rings during the day is if its school. And that generally means something is wrong. The number that came up was not one I know so here I am thinking its another line at school or a teacher's cell.

Wrong number.


I'm paranoid enough. The morning didn't go so well (all Tommy had to do was wait and he went charging into school leaving Erin behind). I'm waiting... feeling sick.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Global Warming

Its January 8, 6pm and 66 degrees.

Global freaking warming. I'm going to go stand outside and bask in the warmth for a bit.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Back to reality

I went back to work after being off for nearly 2 weeks. Meh... its work. But, after much debating, I got off the butt today and plugged in Dance Dance Revolution for Wii. IT IS TOTALLY COOL!!! There is a Work out mode to track Calorie burn and yah know, it really does give you a work out (especially if you accidentally switch it to Basic from beginner) .

Ok - so there is motivation behind this. I really want to fit into a specific dress I saw at Banana Republic (damn you Charlie) and its a 12. I used to be a 12. Like 10 years ago. I can do it.

1) get off my ass
2) chase the kid more
3) walk the mall (but leave the CCs at home - window shop only),
5) Black coffee no sugar (I can do it... I can do it)
6) Water water water
7) No eating after 7pm

I can do this. I have to. I want to go shopping.